Clean Biocoal Heating Up with Hemp, Forest Debris and Kenaf

Dr. Jagannadh Satyavolu, the theme leader of biomass and biofuels at the Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research, discussed the value of a new type of coal made from plants and wood waste that could be a game-changer in power-generation facilities. This is “biocoal,” and it holds real interest for those in Europe and Japan, as well as manufacturers in the United States looking at sustainability and green approaches to energy. 

The biocoal project is one of several key biomass approaches undergoing research and industry use in recent years at U of L’s Conn Center. Companies in the region are showing more interest in biofuels and biomass outcomes, looking at how to take their normal byproducts and make them work for a C5-based biorefinery.

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Clean “Biocoal” From Hibiscus Cannabinus & Hemp Helps Reduce GHG Emissions